Welcome to the Insaff Foundation

What We Do

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What We Do

Our Work

Insaff Foundation works among migrants, poor and abused men and women, neglected children, senior citizens, school drop outs, Self Help Groups, and awareness on various social, health and current issues. The underprivileged need to be given the appropriate opportunities and they need to be motivated. Insaff Foundation works with a view to help the poor community through various welfare activities.

Healthy Food
Fair Education
Safely House & Shelter
Health & Medicine Fund
Legal Rights
Political Awareness
You can join us

Our Speciality

Why Join us

We’re a non-profit organisation on a mission to see the youth of Vrygrond equipped & empowered to live with dignity

Serve the People

We help the needy people in nearby areas.

Make a better world

We help the nation for better world.

Get a happy life

We work for everyone to get a happy life.